( Information in English? Look below the Norwegian information )
Skildring av tur
Frå Fonnavegen følgjer du traktorvegen opp mot Storemyr. Ta til høgre der vegen deler seg og følg denne vegen ca 100 m. Her er det eit retningsskilt, og du går over på sti. Det er litt myrlendt på nokre parti fram til Gjetingshaugen. Flott utsikt ned mot Øvre Krossdalen.
Mai – november.
Råd for turen
- Ta med drikke og vindtette klede.
- Du bør ha fjellstøvlar, men har det vore tørt ei stund kan du også bruke joggesko.
- Mobildekning er god på heile turen.
- Vi anbefaler kart og kompass, ev. GPS.
- Det er bandtvang 1. april – 20. august.
- Det er forbode med open eld i skog og mark 15. april - 15. september.
- Til fots kan du ferdast fritt i utmark, men ver varsam og ta omsyn til dyr og fuglar, og til naturen elles. Ikkje kast søppel.
English version:
Starting point/parking
Take the road from Jondal towards Folgefonna. After 8.0 km turn right just before the bridge. (Close to the road junction is an information board showing details of several tours.) This is a toll road for those continuing by car. The pay point is about 100 m in from the main road.
After about 800 m up take the road junction to the right. You will see the hiking sign for Gjetingshaugen. Park here if arriving by car. Parking space is not good. Please make sure you don’t obstruct other traffic. Parking at own risk.
Description of the hike
Take the farm track up towards Storemyr. Take a right turn where the track forks and follow for about 100 m. A hiking sign shows the route which now continues on a path. From here on and to Gjetingshaugen it can be a bit marshy in parts. Good view down towards Øvre Krossdalen.
May – November.
Hiking advice
Bring food, drinking water and windproof clothing.
We advise you to use hiking boots. If it’s been dry weather for a while, you could use trainers/sneakers.
We recommend that you bring a map of the area and a compass, or a GPS.
Good cell phone signals covering the whole hike.
Dogs must be always kept (by law) on a leash between April 1 and August 20.
Open fire is prohibited in the hills and woods between April 15 and September 15.
You are free to walk anywhere in the hills and mountains. Take care of the nature and show special consideration to all wildlife. Please do not litter.