Preikestolen - Flørli

Legg til huskeliste
  • Krevende fottur
  • 24,6 km
  • 8 t
  • Turen går én vei, fra A-B
  • 1076 høydemeter totalt
  • Sesong: Mai - nov

Ta turen fra magiske Preikestolen til fantastiske Flørli via Lysefjorden



Getting there 

Direct shuttlebus from Stavanger to Preikestolen Mountain Lodge and the starting point of the hike to Preikestolen throughout the summer season. You may also arrive in your private car, but then you will have the hassle of returning to you car after your hike. 


at Preikestolen Mountain Lodge, and follow the crowd to Preikestolen rock. The path is quite straight forward and very well marked. Parts of the trail consists of beautiful stone work carried out by Nepalese Sherpas. You’ll get to the fjord view from the Pulpit rock in no time! 

Rock and roll 

When you manage to draw yourself from the amazing view from Preikestolen rock, it’s time to move on and follow the trail to Bratteli.

Follow the track back towards Preikestolen Mountain Lodge for a little while, before taking off the crowded path in to calmer, but also tougher, environments. If you found the trail to Preikestolen a little light, you’ll now get the challenge you’re looking for. You’ll quickly notice that the path towards Bratteli consists of both challenging climbing and descents through the landscape. On your way, you will also encounter several beautiful viewpoints, among them "Hengjanenibbå" - named "Mini-Preikestolen" due to it's characteristic shape. To reach Hengjanenibbå, leave the route and follow an unmarked path along the stream towards Hengjane, cross the stream towards the farmhouse and continue past this to the cliff.

At Bratteli, you may choose between two options for your hike further: 

1: Crossing Lysefjorden 

Find your way all the way down to the fjord and the ferry dock at Bratteli, and be ready for a more relaxing transportation. The latest ferry from Bratteli to Flørli, your next destination, departs around 2 or 5 o’clock in the afternoon (booking required, check current timetable, no service Saturdays!), so be careful about the time you spend at Preikestolen and at all the magnificent views during you walk!

When the ferry arrive at Flørli dock, find your way the 10 minutes hike uphill to unmanned Flørli cabin (the cabin is unlocked, no key necessary) or Flørli 4444 and relax your tired feet and weary mind. It is time for a good night sleep before the next 4444 steps of your journey starts! 

2: Sleepover at Bakken 

A little longer hike, but without the pressure of timetables, takes you to the historic farm at Bakken Gard. Accomodation is very basic in the barn. The farm is under reconstruction in 2019, and will reopen with updated facilities in 2020.

The following morning, you have to get up early to descend to the fjord (30 minutes) catch the high speed ferry (booking required, check current timetable) at 0630, not weekends.

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Preikestolen Fjellstue